Another curious, free-thinker and problem-solving oriented person.
I love to play, tinker and tamper with all kind of stuff since I was a child.

Developer story

10 years ago, I discovered coding through the common web languages and technologies.
From then, I learned to code in several programming languages and finally fell for Python and Web Security.

I have more than 7 years of professional developping projects, with companies from little to big and multinational brands, where I created from scratch, modified and optimized all kind of web apps, API, scripts, ERP, shopping websites or social networks.

Related skills :

  • Programing Languages
    • Python
    • PHP
    • Javascript, NodeJS, jQuery
    • Bash
    • Perl

  • SQL & NoSQL
    • MySQL
    • MsSQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Reddis

  • CMS & Framework
    • Wordpress
    • Symphony
    • Zend Framework
    • CakePHP
    • Drupal
    • CodeIgniter

  • Versioning
    • GIT
    • SVN

  • OS
    • Linux, mostly Ubuntu (work and @home)
    • Windows

  • MS & Office
    • Visual Basic / VBa
    • Access
    • Excel

  • Methods
    • Agile
    • DevOps
    • Scrum
    • Kanban
    • eXtreme Programming, with pair programming


If you want to share something with me : get my email.